Easter Games Ideas And Activities

If you’re planning to hold an Easter party for children, it’s important to have a few games to keep them entertained along with the usual Easter goodies like chocolate and sugar treats. There are a number of Easter games-themed games you could include in your Easter games children’s party and this article has rounded up some really fun ones that are likely to be a big hit.

If you’re looking for ideas for Easter games for your next Easter party or gathering, you’ll love this comprehensive list of Easter games. There’s something here for everyone, from rollicking Easter egg hunts games and relay races to Easter jigsaw puzzles and word scrambles.This year, start a new Easter tradition and put together an Easter party for the kids in your neighborhood. When hosting a children’s get-together, you must have party games. Start with an Easter egg hunt and include other fun Easter-themed games as well.  Easter Games

Easter Puzzles

Easter Sunday marks the end of the season of Lent, a forty-day period of fasting, prayer, and penance. These free puzzles and games for children focus on Easter customs such as egg hunting, the Easter Bunny, Easter games baskets, spring chicks and the celebration of Christ’s Ressurrection.Word games such as word search puzzles are an excellent way for children and students studying a second language to learn new vocabulary and practice their spelling.


Make a limbo bar from an old broom handle or similar long stick. Start with the stick high and have the children line up and limbo underneath the bar as music plays in the background. Lower the limbo bar after each round. If a player touches the bar above or the grass below (or falls!), that child is out of the game. The last player remaining wins a chocolate or stuffed Easter holiday games bunny.

Easter parade

Easter parade Before the parade begins, give each child a white plastic fedora and let him or her decorate it with flowers, ribbons, glitter, stickers, plastic fruit, lace, and paints. Once everyone has finished a hat, have the kids line up and parade around to music, showing off the latest fashions.

Easter piñata

Pick up a pre-made piñata from the store or make your own and fill it with Easter candy and small toys. Line up the children and let each one take a turn hitting the piñata with a broom handle. If the kids are older, blindfold them before they take a swing at the piñata. Be sure all little ones are safely out of hitting range. When the piñata breaks, kids can scoop up the candy and prizes. Be certain that every child gets some of the loot.

Easter egg hunt

Easter eggs all over your lawn, garden, and porch and set the little ones loose with baskets. Another variation is hiding hollow plastic eggs with clues inside about where to find the next egg. The last egg contains directions to the treasure (a Lego toy, stuffed animal, or other fun prize)! To avoid disappointment, make sure you have a treasure for each child.

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